继2018年12月28日杭州市滨江区唯诗礼幼儿园仅用时78天拿到IB PYP候选学校资格以来,唯诗礼人又创造了一个新的奇迹——2020年8月5日,杭州市滨江区唯诗礼幼儿园正式获得IB国际文凭组织授权,从开园到成为IB世界学校,仅仅不到2年时间。
After Wesley School Binjiang Campus obtained the IB PYP candidate school qualification in just 78 days on December 28, 2018, all of the Wesley family have once again created a new miracle!
On August 5th, 2020, Wesley School Binjiang Campus has been officially authorized by the IB International Baccalaureate Organization. It took less than 2 years from the school opening to become an IB World School.

杭州市滨江区唯诗礼幼儿园自2018年9月1日创园以来,一直以培养孩子追求具国际情怀、相信自己的个人卓越, 成为终身学习的世界小公民为办学使命,不断学习,用心做教育。
Since its establishment on September 1st, 2018, Wesley School Binjiang Campus has been cultivating children to pursue international mindedness, believe in their own personal excellence, and become life-long learning global citizens who pursue their mission of “Continuous learning and hard work.” Today’s achievement depends on the diligent sweat, solidarity, professional quality and persistent attitude of the Wesley School family members.
IB PYP项目的实施历程
2018年9月 唯诗礼滨江园开园 Wesley Binjiang School opens in September 2018 | _ |
_ | 2018年12月成为IB兴趣学校 Became an Interested School in IB programme in December 2018 |
2019年3月 正式成为IB候选学校 Officially became an IB Candidate School in March 2019 | _ |
_ | 2020年1月顺利通过IB顾问访问 Successfully passed the IB consultant visit in January 2020 |
2020年6月 迎接IB官方授权认证 Welcomed IB official authorization certification in June 2020 | _ |
_ | 2020年8月5日正式成为IB世界学校 Formally became an IB World School on 5th,August 2020 |
IB教育是以培养具有国际情怀的终身学习者为目标,而国际情怀是以国际文凭十大学习者目标为载体去体现。结合中国传统教育思想并以发展的眼光来看这十大培养者目标和特质,论语中的教学相长、学然后知不足,知不足然后能自反,正凸显IB 教育提倡的学与教和反思的重要;而礼记中的博学、慎思、明辨、笃行的观点,也符合IB教育视学习为一个探究的过程,通过探究循环导入(广泛博学)—发现 (探问答疑)—更进一步 (深入解惑)—结论(清晰思考)—采取行动(坚定执行)培养孩子做一个全面发展的终身学习者。
IB education aims to cultivate life-long learners with international mindedness, which is embodied in the attributes of the ten learner profiles of the IB. Our educational philosophy combines traditional Chinese educational thinking and the goals and characteristics of these ten learner profiles from a developmental perspective. The Analects of Confucius says one who teaches others, learns and then knows enough, can then be self-reflexive, which is highlights learning, teaching and reflection advocated by IB education. Importance, the erudite, deliberate, discerning, and earnest points of view in the Book of Rites is in line with IB Education’s view of learning as an inquiry process, through the cycle of inquiry: Tuning in(extensive erudition)—Finding and Sorting Out (question and answer)—Going Further (in-depth solution)—Reflecting (clear thinking)—Taking Action (firm implementation) to cultivate children to be well-rounded developmental lifelong learners.
Wesley School Binjiang Campus has been committed to promoting the integration of the PYP curriculum and the Chinese National Curriculum since the opening of the kindergarten doors. Based on the “Kindergarten Education Guidelines”, it thoroughly implements the “3-6 Years Old Children’s Learning and Development Guide” and principles of the IB PYP. The framework seamlessly implements the Chinese National Curriculum content. While expanding on the international perspective, we also pay attention to the spread of traditional culture. For example, the weekly activities in the Chinese Culture room, the big cultural activities during the course of the year: Double Ninth Festival, Spring Festival celebrations, etc., as well as through games, exploration and direct experience, all let children understand the traditional characteristics of the nation and experience the charm of traditional culture.
在线授权认证 实力展现
Online authorization and authentication
2020 年初, 一场突如其来的疫情改变了原本IB授权认证的时间计划,但也给我们带来别样的机遇和经历。因全球疫情的变化,通过在线遥距方式,滨江区唯诗礼幼儿园于6月23至24日接受IBO官方认证团队全天同步直播授权访问。前期,IBO官员曾于2020年1 月亲临滨江园区,进行2天面对面预访问,对唯诗礼滨江园的环境、教学质量、管理团队都给予了极大的肯定。
Online authorization and authentication:At the beginning of 2020, a sudden epidemic disrupted the IB authorization and certification process, but it also brought us a different experience and opportunity. On June 23rd and 24th, Wesley School Binjiang Campus officially welcomed the online authorization process of the IB authorization team. In the early stage, IB officials conducted a pre-visit in January 2020 and expressed great affirmation of the environment, education and teaching.

Principal Jessie introducing the environment of Wesley School Binjiang Campus to officials of the IB authorization team

Deputy Principal of Teaching and PYP Coordinator Stacy introducing the curriculum implementation and practices of the kindergarten

Experts from the IB authorization team walking into the classrooms to directly observe children’s learning online

The IB authorization team talking with students

During the two-day authorization visit, the members of the IB authorization team interviewed the senior management leaders of the school, the kindergarten principal, the PYP coordinator, and the pedagogical leadership team respectively. The authorization team interviewed teachers in groups by year band, talked with parents of children enrolled at the school, observed the children during class time, and talked with the children in an interactive dialogue. The team gave a detailed assessment of the entire campus, whether it was the environmental layout or education culture, to fully understand the implementation of PYP courses in Wesley School Binjiang Campus and the implementation of our educational concepts.

The IB World School Authorization Signing Ceremony

On the afternoon of July 28th, 2020, the IB World School authorization signing ceremony was held in the multifunction room of Wesley School Binjiang Campus. Mr. Gao Guangzhi, CEO of Wesley Education Group, and Ms. Li Xiaopeng, the chief principal of Wesley School attended this event. Jessie Fang, the Principal of Wesley School Binjiang Campus, Stacy Jin, the Teaching Deputy Principal and PYP Coordinator, Brad Evans, the Foreign Deputy Principal, Yu Yingfan, the parent representative of the school PTA and all Wesley School teachers and staff were all in attendance.

Mr. Gao signed the document, which means that Wesley School Binjiang Campus has stepped up to a new level: officially becoming an IB World School!

After the signing ceremony, the Chief Principal Xiaopeng and Principal Jessie each delivered speeches, expressing their affectionate appreciation for the hard work of the faculty and staff of Wesley School and their gratitude for sticking to their posts. Mother Yu Yingfan, the parent representative of the school PTA, expressed with tears how moving it was to witness the growth of Wesley School Binjiang Campus. Subsequently, the Foreign Deputy Principal Brad and Teaching Deputy Principal and PYP coordinator Stacy read aloud the authorization statement of becoming an IB World School.

IB授权的成功,对唯诗礼幼儿园滨江园是一个新的里程碑,也是崭新的旅途。未来全体唯诗礼人必将继续努力,在优质学前教育的道路上走得更加稳健和长久。We are Wesley,we are family!
The success of obtaining IB authorization is a new milestone and signifies the start of a brand-new journey for Wesley School Binjiang Campus. In the future, all members of the Wesley family will continue to work hard and walk more steadily on the long road of high quality early childhood education. We are Wesley, we are family!