2020年12月22日、23日,唯诗礼幼儿园滨江园迎来了一场别开生面的冬日活动,我们在即将结束的鼠年尾声,和老师小朋友们做游戏,一起动手制作自己的成长礼物。其实,快乐就是这么简单。 On December 22nd and 23rd, 2020, Wesley school ushered in a special winter activity. At the end of the year of the Rat, we played games with teachers and children and made our own gifts together. Everyone was so happy doing it and…

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探究单元:我们是谁?           中心思想:我们理解并重视家庭 探究线索: 我们有哪些家庭成员? 我们的家人如何影响我们以及彼此间的责任? 我们接受并理解自己的家庭与别的家庭。 Unit of Inquiry : Who  we are?  The central idea: We understand and value the family. Lines of inquiry:Who is in our families? How do our families influence our responsibilities and those of…

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