On December 22nd and 23rd, 2020, Wesley school ushered in a special winter activity. At the end of the year of the Rat, we played games with teachers and children and made our own gifts together. Everyone was so happy doing it and it just showed how happiness can be so easy to create!
Following the African plated rhythm of the African drum – the artistic babies of Wesley school showed us the charm of the African drum. The room was filled with a musical vibration coming from the drums. The vivid and interesting expressions on the teacher’s face was connected to the babies’ drumming and their lighted up smiles. All the babies were in a jovial mood and not even a single one was left out of that fun.

快来看,中西方的乐器集合啦!快来和我们一起感受不同的乐器,这里有小提琴、尤克里里、吉他、 古筝…快乐的音符邀请小朋友们跳舞啦!
“Come and see Chinese and Western musical instruments are gathered! Come and feel different musical instruments with us, there are Violins, ukuleles, guitars, guzhengs and happy notes here. Please dance!”. Said the music teachers, out of happiness, to their little ones. The teachers played some Western and Chinese musical instruments along with the children and it was epic!

Teachers in another room continued to chant with their glamorous faces! “Today children, we are going to make many small gifts, and we are going to start by decorating our own gift boxes.” – Kids started to decorate their boxes with a little guidance from their lovely teachers. Within a short time, the boxes looked amazing and they created a winter festival mood. “Alright dearies! Let’s move to our next activity” – their class teachers kindly guided them as they were going to the next event.
“Wow, what do we have here? They are musical toys!” – Kids chanted with a joyous mood as they got into the next room. They used a pair of their magic hands to beautify the musical toys into different designs, coming from their own creative minds. All they needed for this, was clay in its different forms of colors and of-course their magical hands. “ Oh wow, there we go!”, said some kids. “Jingle ding – jingle bells – ding dong” ~ sounded the musical toys. Truly there was no place for melancholy on this day.
“Of-course, snowman is indispensable for the fun of winter. Move your hands and be a lovely snowman. Play games with us!”, said other lovely teachers with smiles on their faces.
The elves from the forest came to our kindergarten, and the children affectionately called it Mr. deer. “We all love Mr. deer with his round nose and fluffy antlers.”, chanted the kids.

At the end of the winter activity, the children gathered at the Chinese – decorated stage for some photo-shoots. The photo shoots were comprised of some traditional Chinese opera settings which included some cultural flavored dressing suits and some opera music. The children felt the treasure of the traditional Chinese culture and the charm of the traditional Chinese opera. This left an amazing memory which shall always be remembered.

Dear Wesley School kids,
We hope you had fun in every
activity of school,
During cold winter days,
we are warm together.