





Unit of Inquiry : Who  we are? 

The central idea: We understand and value the family.

Lines of inquiry:Who is in our families? How do our families influence our responsibilities and those of each other? We accept and understand our family and other families.



Our history exhibition is divided into two parts. The first part introduces the unit learning and activity arrangement of each class in their own classrooms; The second part is group activities, each class is divided into three groups to show according to the characteristics of each class. Next, let’s take a look at what activities we have seen ~


Group Activities:
Activity 1: Children worked with their families to make family books and can clearly introduce the contents by themselves to others to show what they know about their familiesfamilies. 


Activity 2: Completing their family tree puzzles so the children can demonstrate that they know who each family member is, how many there are and their relationship to each other.


Activity 3: The children said, “I want a colorful house, I need a stage to dance with friends on it, I need a parking lot with a car to park…” So we built our own house together to invite family and friends to live with us too on Taking Action Week!



Group Activities:
Activity 1: Task cards. Each child was given a small task card. During the visit to the exhibition, the children were asked to show their learning achievements in the form of parents’ questions and answers.






Activity 2: Family building blocks are assembled. Friends choose a scene and use blocks of various shapes to build what they and their family do in this scene, which can exercise children’s sense of space and three-dimensional construction ability.





Activity 3: Friendship community. Mineral water bottles and waste paper boxes can also be transformed into a beautiful little house after decoration. Come and build our friendship community with your good friends! “There is a fountain in our community” “My good friend and I live in a community!”



Through a comprehensive understanding of their families and emotional connection to them.Our children used blocks to build family members in the presence of their their families.They managed to choose various locations in which they wanted to play in.This includes “outdoor”, “swimming pool”, “living room”, “kitchen”, “car” and so on. Some children concentrated more on “kitchen” they went on to build the mum  cooking.The reason being mothers works hard every day.They prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner.


     活动的另一站在魔法厨房教室,在这里,孩子们带着爸爸妈妈,欣赏自己在这个主题中的作品:“快看妈妈~这是我正在向大家介绍我的family tree呢!还有还有,这是我的全家福,里面有爸爸、妈妈、爷爷奶奶、外公外婆,还有弟弟!”孩子们正在用他们稚嫩的童音在认真地介绍呢!

The other part of the activity was in the Magic Kitchen classroom, where our children showed the parents their works .They seem excited introducing their achievements.”Look at mom! This is me introducing my family tree to you! this is my family photo, this is my brother,sister,father, mother, They are my grandparents, parents!” .

 活动开始前,中外教两位主班教师通过PPT与家长一起回顾了“我是谁?”这个单元的探究主题、中心思想、探究线索等,根据IB PYP六大探究步骤向家长们详细介绍了幼儿本单元的学习过程。一切以孩子为主体的介绍,引来了家长们对老师肯定的掌声。

At the beginning of the learning journey, two homeroom teachers – chinese teacher and a foreign teacher presented to the parents the central idea of the Unit “Who we are, lines of inquiry and each of six phases of this theme. Parents were informed about learning process and activities related to the unit.



Activity 1: English corner.  Children demonstrated their progress in learning English trough different songs, games with flashcards and role plays. Vocabulary and English phrases are based on the studied unit: “Who we are”。







Activity 2: Introduction of UOI works. Parents observed  children’s works such as “family book”, “family tree”, “my friends” and gifts for their classmates. Questions of inquiry: Do you know who is in your family ? What  do your family members like to do? Who is your best friend? Children could clearly introduce their understanding of  the theme and introduce their new friends at school.



Activity 3: Decorate the dream castle. In the art workshop, the children and family members used various handmade materials to decorate the K1D castle. This activity helps  children  and parents to cooperate and have fun together.




Activity 1, English station.

We did a normal circle time and played two songs. The kids sang the songs and did actions on relation to those songs. After that, parents went to different stations with their children. On our English station we were receiving 8 families per time. We played games using different sets of flashcards. Kids were able to remember all the words and sentences they learnt and parents were all happy. Everyone participated.




Activity 2,:UOI station about parent-child house building.

What did our family do for us? The children can’t wait to tell their families. They also want to tell their families that we can also do something like taking shoes, putting chopsticks, wearing clothes by themselves, taking care of younger brothers and sisters, etc. The family has done so many things for the children, and the children want to whisper something sweet to their families. Also, let’s build a house together.



Through the study of this unit, children know their family members and the number of family members, and feel the special meaning of friends. Feel the care of your family, be able to do what you can for your family, and learn to be grateful. Understand the differences between families and be able to accept different families. Thank parents and friends for their cooperation and support in this inquiry unit activity!
